Sunday, January 11, 2009

Study Affiliate Courses And Work At Home For Top Earning

Study Affiliate

Peter Yoon gave me a preversion of Affiliate Prophet before its release. Instead of writing a simple review of what the software does, I have decided to use it on a small campaign to see the software in action.

In this small post I’m going to give you my first impressions and the data I have been able to extract from the software.

For this campaign, I have worked on a market I knew nothing about. After all, the goal of Affiliate Prophet is to help us find profitable keywords very quickly (I have another method to find them, more on that later).

So my campaign was for the “weight loss” market, and more specifically for the people who want to follow a low carb diet.

From my initial search with the
Google Keyword tool, I have seen that there are several thousands of searches per month for the broad keyword “low carb diet” which makes it a nice sub niche to target.

From the Google Keyword tool, I have copied all the sub keywords derivating from “low carb diet”. I didn’t have any idea of which keywords would be profitable and which ones wouldn’t. So I have taken them all without any thinking.

I was then in the need of a product to promote as an affiliate and also in the need of a landing page. A tour on the clickbank marketplace revealed me that the most popular product for this market was “Fat Loss 4 Idiots”. Very often vendors offer some materials for their affiliates. There’s an easy way to find if it’s the case for the products you want to promote. You just need to know the domain name of the product. Then on Google, type:


For the Fat Loss 4 Idiots product, the sales page is located on the domain so I typed on Google: affiliate

The first result I got was:

Affiliate Help PageWe now offer the ability for affiliates to “skip” our main page altogether…… and to land on 4 landing pages directly. You can use ClickBank’s TID feature …

On this page I have found premade landing pages. Copying a page used by hundreds of other affiliates is not the ideal thing to do. But my goal was to test Affiliate Prophet as quickly as possible and I didn’t want to take the time to learn about the product and to write a landing page.

So my landing page is:

I think it’s a pretty good preselling page.

After installing the Affiliate Prophet script on one of my domains, I created a new split-test campaign. Affiliate Prophet allows you to send visitors on different landing pages to check which one converts the more visitors into buyers. That’s very handy. Setting up my campaign was very quick. After copying the keywords I extracted from the Google Keyword Tool, Affiliate Prophet gave me several options to create my PPC campaign. I chose to use the Adwords Editor.

Thanks to the Adwords Editor and Affiliate Propjet, I have created 1 adgroup and 2 ads targeting my main keyword and I copied all the keywords extracted from Google. It’s not a good way to do things but once again I didn’t want to spend too much time on that, I don’t care paying high cost per click as my only goal was to get quick results from Affiliate Prophet.

Now I just had to wait for the traffic.

And I was pretty disappointed Of course creating one adgroup for about 100 keywords can’t give me a good CTR. But I have to admit that it’s entirely my fault, I didn’t take the time to create high quality ads and targeted ad groups. My ad wasn’t even on the first page of Google. Anyway after 3 days or so and only 40 clicks I had some interesting info to extract from Affiliate Prophet.

It showed me exactly which keywords had the most potential to make this campaign profitable. And which ones I should drop. Armed with this knowledge I could remove almost all the keywords except about half a dozen. How does Affiliate Prophet predict this? Very easy: it monitors the time spent by visitors on the merchant page. If they stay long enough to reach the order button it means that they are interested in the offer. If they leave as soon as they read the title and don’t even scroll down to read the rest of the sales letter, there is no chance to turn this visitor into a buyer. This data is computed for each keyword you are bidding on. That’s a very powerful way to know on which keywords you should focus your campaign.

Thanks to Affiliate Prophet you can even compare different product pages to know which one interests the most your visitors.

I have to admit that it’s a brilliant concept. It’s not the way I find profitable keywords but it’s a very smart one. The only drawback is that you have to pay first for some keywords before knowing which ones you should focus on.

I know another method which doesn’t require to pay anything to determine if a keyword is profitable or not. And it’s a perfect complement to the Affiliate Prophet script. To get more info about this bonus,

look at my
Google Hijack bonus, it’s the same one I’m offering here.I’m offering it as a bonus for all people purchasing Affiliate Prophet from this link. If you do so, just use the form below to claim your bonus!

Study Affiliate Courses And Work At Home Guide

Make Money Online As An Affiliate Guide

Theoretically the idea of making money from affiliate programs sounds easy. It gets even more exciting when you discover that there are some affiliate programs like Google's AdSense where you do not even need to sell anything to earn a hefty affiliate income. However those who have unsuccessfully tried out affiliate programs have a very different story to tell. Far from being a way to make easy money online, they will often tell you about lack of support from the affiliate program and affiliate managers who were inaccessible and uncooperative. They will also tell of back-breaking work put into their affiliate program only for them to end up with absolutely nothing to show for it. In sharp contrast there are those who have succeeded with their affiliate programs and we have affiliates who are raking in some awesome monthly earnings.

This eliminates trial and error and opens doors for any new affiliate to quickly climb the ladder of top earners into easy affiliate money. In this case all you will need to do is to duplicate a success system that is already working for others. Do Your Own Research To Succeed In Affiliate Programs Alternatively you can take the time to study affiliate marketing and what it takes to succeed. There is plenty of good material available on the net. Most of us appreciate the fact that for a person to be able to practice any profession some training is required. And yet most folks do not take affiliate training with enough seriousness. For you to succeed in making easy money from affiliate programs, you will need to make heavy investment in your training.

Have you heard of home business affiliates who regularly make $100,000 from their home businesses? So what makes the difference? Are the people earning six figure affiliate incomes every month unique and with special qualifications that the others cannot match? Actually easy money from affiliate programs is something that is easily accessible to any home business online entrepreneur who takes the time to study how it is done. There Is Easy Money In Affiliate Programs With Good Training And Support One way to succeed with affiliate programs are to choose carefully. All you need to do is to look for an affiliate program with a serious training plan and excellent support. Such programs will offer advice from the top affiliates of the program who will candidly share what it is they do earn those fantastic incomes.

This eliminates trial and error and opens doors for any new affiliate to quickly climb the ladder of top earners into easy affiliate money. In this case all you will need to do is to duplicate a success system that is already working for others. Do Your Own Research To Succeed In Affiliate Programs Alternatively you can take the time to study affiliate marketing and what it takes to succeed. There is plenty of good material available on the net. Most of us appreciate the fact that for a person to be able to practice any profession some training is required. And yet most folks do not take affiliate training with enough seriousness. For you to succeed in making easy money from affiliate programs, you will need to make heavy investment in your training.Article


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